ABT Anlagen- und Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH

ABT Anlagen- und Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH

Business Description:

Machinery Designing and Processing, Electric Shavers, Single-purpose machines

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ABT Anlagen- und Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH




Company Head Office:

ABT Anlagen- und Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH
Herbert-Bayer-Str. 4
130 86

Immunity stimulation

Colostrum, a milk-like substance that female mammals produce soon after giving birth, is full of potent, immune-stimulating factors that jump-start a newborn's immune system. Colostrum is a proven, effective immune system booster in adults.

Bovine colostrum

Bovine colostrum is a unique natural substance, rich source of biologically active substances and immunoglobulins. ColostrumB IgG20, IgG40 is spray-dried bovine colostrum with a standardized content of IgG immunoglobulins from 20% to 50%. Safe natural product.

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GermanyTrade > Hardware and Machinery > Machinery Designing and Processing > ABT Anlagen- und Systemtechnik Berlin GmbH